In Memorium – Donald J. P. Sweeney – 1938-2021Please Click Here

Construction Litigation

Sweeney & Sheehan has been an active participant in the construction litigation industry for decades. Our attorneys have the know-how and experience to aggressively represent our clients in the most complex claims, always being mindful to the cost of litigation. General contractors, subcontractors, construction managers, engineers, developers, design professionals and suppliers all turn to us to ensure the best outcomes in a variety of matters involving personal injury, construction defect, design errors, product defect, employment, and contract disputes. In addition, Sweeney & Sheehan attorneys are keenly experienced in the drafting, application and enforcement of construction contracts including coverage issues of indemnity, defense, additional insured and step-down provisions. Sweeney & Sheehan attorneys are keenly experienced in the drafting, application and enforcement of construction contracts including coverage issues of indemnity, defense, additional insured and step-down provisions to name only a few.

Our attorneys understand the operation of a construction site and the roles of various parties on the job. Our clients have been involved in projects ranging from condominium and planned communities, retail stores, re-development projects, governmental offices, office buildings, warehouses, and single-family homes. We encourage our clients to involve us in any claim or potential claim as early as possible, so that we can develop the facts and preserve the evidence to protect our client’s position in future litigation. Whether the case involves extricating an uninvolved subcontractor at the early stages of litigation, representing the general contractor in a catastrophic injury case, or navigating the complexity of a transition action, we have the expertise to identify the issues and develop an effective litigation plan to achieve the best possible result in every case.